If your child will be absent, please call the main office at (925) 682-8000 Ext. 8025, or, preferrably, you can email us at pp加速器国际版. Include your student's name, teacher, and reason for absence. Thank you!
west wingy安卓
west wingy安卓
Welcome to Strandwood Elementary School! We are one of 30 elementary schools in the Mt. Diablo School District. We are part of the College Park Feeder Pattern. We are a school with a history of high performance, with an excellent teaching and support staff. We have an active and caring parent/guardian community. The best attribute is our fabulous student population!
Strandwood has an enrollment of approximately 650 students every year, Transitional Kindergarten through 5th grade. We are fortunate to have a continuum of Special Day Classes, Kindergarten through 5th, for students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities. This school year, 2018-19, we will have one Transitional Kindergarten, four Kindergartens, four 1st grades, four 2nd grades, four 3rd grades, three 4th grades and three 5th grades.
With the support of and funding from our PTA, we have an Art Docent, a Reading Intervention program for Kindergarten and 1st grades, a Science Assistant, Classroom Instructional Assistants for TK through 3rd grade classes and an Instructional Assistant for our Computer Lab. Our parents and PTA support and implement the FAME program and sponsor numerous after school enrichment programs for our students who are interested.
I encourage you to visit our campus if you are new to the community. Parent volunteers are a valued part of our classrooms. You will find a campus buzzing with activity in a friendly and safe learning community. I know you will feel the energy involved in ensuring that "every minute counts for every student!"
west wingy安卓
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west wingy安卓
Cheri Scripter, Principal
(925) 685-3212 (phone)
(925) 798-4582 (fax)
Office Hours: 7:30 am to 3:30 pm
Map and Directions
Before and afterschool daycare provided by YMCA
(925) 674-1662
Other options